- Program Suspended -
A degree in English is the perfect springboard for people who want to change the world because language constructs our political, legal, and social systems.
A degree in English is the perfect springboard for people who want to change the world because language constructs our political, legal, and social systems.
The Department of English emphasizes the significant role that language plays in constructing our identities and in personal, academic, spiritual, social, and professional development. In the era of “post truth,” “alternative facts,” and “fake news,” reading stories, studying language, building belief, dismantling oppression, thinking critically, researching carefully, and writing insightfully are all the more important.
Degree Details
BA 4-yr;:
The Department of English offers a 3-year or 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree to students.
BA 3-yr:

Faculty & Staff
Sandra AcquahAssistant Professor of Biology
Bonita CampbellAdministrative Assistant and First Year Advisor, Faculty of Science
Vincent EnriquezBiology Laboratory Technician, Instructor of Biology
Delano LewisAssociate Professor of Biology
Natalia LifshitzPostdoctoral Fellow
Pekka MäättänenChair, Biology, Associate Professor of Biology
Peter OtienoDean, Faculty of Science, Professor of Chemistry
Joyce SeklehChemistry/Physics Laboratory Instructor/Coordinator
Laurence WongProfessor of Biochemistry
If you have more questions
Simply fill out the form below and one of our Advisors will provide any extra information you need and help you with your concerns about this program.