Video Conferencing
Meeting Owl 
The Administration Building Conference Room is equipped with a Meeting Owl camera. This is a 360° camera that can be used with video-conference calls. It supports the Google Meet platform as well as most other video-conference software. It will automatically learn the persons position around the table and switch to the person who is talking, while always showing a full 360° view at the top. It also includes a microphone and speaker.
You will need a computer with an available USB port to use the camera. Make sure it is plugged into the power, and then plug the USB cable coming out of the base of the Meeting Owl into your computer. (It should automatically detect the new device and set it up, contact the IT Help Desk if you have any issues with setting it up)
Getting started with Google Meet: Click here for instructions on getting started with the Meeting Owl using Google Meet, our campus supported platform.