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Changes to Campus Measures - February 10, 2022

The Government of Alberta has unveiled a three-step plan to ease provincial public health restrictions. Certain measures are in effect now and others will come into effect in the next few weeks. Please continue to watch for COVID-19 related announcements as we navigate the transition set out by the province.

Measures Lifted as of February 9, 2022

  • Removal of the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP)
    • Self-Assessment on the Burman Alert App and a “GREEN” badge will still be required to attend campus events.

Campus Mandates Currently Active

Burman Alert

  • Daily completion of the Burman Alert app screening and only attend classes/appointments/events if you have a current green badge.


  • Required In all indoor locations other than living spaces, personal offices, or when eating in the cafeteria. Masks are to be worn appropriately covering both mouth and nose at all time

Physical Distancing

  • Distance when not in an event, cafeteria or classroom, maintain a 2-metre distance from others.


  • Unvaccinated students, faculty and staff, must test two times per week.

Please continue to be vigilant in self-monitoring for symptoms and stay home and rest if you feel unwell. Continue to daily fill out the assessment form on the Burman Alert app.

Next Steps

Alberta will enter Step 2 starting on March 1, if hospitalizations are trending downwards. At that time, the following measures will be updated.

  • Indoor masking no longer required.
    • Ask to Mask! Certain areas and offices around campus may continue to require masking when in their personal spaces. Please be respectful of our campus community and their choices.
  • Travel Restrictions
    • Restriction for travel request to Health & Safety committee to be removed March 1.




Daily Self-monitoring & Managing Absences - February 3, 2022

Please continue to be vigilant in self-monitoring for symptoms and stay home and rest if you feel unwell. Continue to daily fill out the assessment form on the Burman Alert app.

Isolation helps prevent the spread by reducing the number of people you could infect by staying home and avoiding others. If you test positive or have symptoms not related to a pre-existing condition, you are legally required to isolate as outlined below:

  • Fully vaccinated (2 doses or 1 dose Janssen): Starting the first day of symptoms or positive test, isolate for a minimum of 5 days or until symptoms resolve, whichever is longer. Following isolation, wear a mask at all times when around others outside of home for up to 5 more days (10 total). This means you must eat or drink alone, away from others. 
  • Not fully vaccinated (1 dose or less): Starting the first day of symptoms or positive test, isolate for 10 days or until symptoms resolve, whichever is longer. 
  • If you test negative and have symptoms, you should still stay home and away from others until symptoms resolve.

Additionally, we are also changing our reporting procedures to more efficiently facilitate dealing with the COVID-19 cases, so that all students can still access classes online while isolating and faculty members can know more quickly who is isolating and will be joining classes virtually.

Reporting for Missing Class or Work Due to COVID-19 

Community Students 

  • Community students who are absent for reasons related to COVID-19 or its symptoms should report their absences to the office of Academic Administration. Email Once you report to the Office of Academic Administration, your professors will be contacted and they will provide a virtual connection for your classes. 

Dorm Students

  • Dorm students who are absent for reasons related to COVID-19 or its symptoms should report to their Dean on Duty. Once you report to the Dormitory Dean, your professors will be contacted and they will provide a virtual connection for your classes.


  • Staff, please report your Covid-19 related absence to your direct supervisor and HR (
  • Faculty, please report your Covid-19 related absence to the office of Academic Administration. Email



September 20, 2021

Burman University will require ONE of the following:

Proof of Vaccination

  • Please present proof to the VPSS office for students or the HR Office for employees if you have not already provided this information.
  • Vaccinations can be any World Health Organization (WHO) approved vaccination.
  • To be considered fully vaccinated, the second dose must be no later than October 18 or rapid testing will still be required for two weeks after the second dose.
  • Once you have shown proof of vaccination to the appropriate office, you will not need to show it again.


Proof of Negative Test Result – 2 times per week

  • We have committed to providing rapid testing on site. Testing will take place on
    • Monday and Thursday mornings – 7am – 1 pm in the Administration Building auditorium.
    • A ½-hr is required to complete the testing process. This needs to take place BEFORE you attend any classes or work appointments. Watch for further information in your campus email.
    • If the test is positive, you must isolate and go to an AHS test site for further testing to confirm if it is COVID-19 or not. If it is COVID-19, you must remain in isolation for 10 days.
    • Individuals needing rapid tests should continue to test two times per week.


Proof of Medical exemption

  • Must be confirmed with a letter from a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.



Additional Information

On-campus testing will commence on Monday, October 4, 2021.

  • Please submit any charges for external tests taken before this date for reimbursement.
    • Details on reimbursement will be sent separately.
  • All vaccination, negative rapid test results, and medical exemptions must be in the appropriate office listed above by Monday, October 4, 2021.
  • All information will be collected under the appropriate privacy rules.
  • Masking is required in all indoor areas.
    • There is an exception for those employees in their private work space.
  • Any individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 10 days.
  • No indoor gatherings are allowed.
    • Residence hall lobbies and other common areas require 2-metre distancing along with masking.
  • The only physical activities allowed in the gymnasium or fitness centre include
    • Class or curriculum related activities
    • Solo or 1:1 physical activity with a minimum of 3 metre physical distancing
  • Individuals who have had COVID-19 previously are still required to provide proof of vaccination, rapid test, or medical exemption.

These requirements are what allows an individual to be able to access campus.

If any accommodations based on protected grounds are asked to be considered please forward your request to the offices of the VPSS for students and the HR office for employees.

Students - watch for further details from the VPSS office

  • We will continue with the following regulations
    • Maintaining 2-metre distancing in all indoor areas on campus EXCEPT
      • Classrooms, laboratories, research facilities, and lecture halls
      • Cafeteria

Employees - watch for further details from either the VPAA or the HR Offices

  • On campus rapid testing is available (see information above)
  • Reimbursements for testing before Oct 4 is available. (Please check your emails).

A reminder for all students, faculty and staff that Monday, October 4, 2021 is the deadline to have the proof of vaccination, or negative rapid test results or medical exemption to be eligible for participation in any campus activities.




The Government of Alberta announced the following change for University Athletics on October 13, 2021.

Varsity-level practices and competitions are interpreted as semi-professional physical activity under CMOH Order 44-2021, so it is a permitted indoor group activity. Please note:

  • There must be 2m of physical distancing between all individuals before and after the activity (e.g., in the locker/change room, hallways, washroom, etc).
  • For solo sports (e.g., weight-lifting), practicing is allowed indoors with 3m between all individuals (except coaches/instructors who are allowed to come within 3m for the purposes of instruction).
  • All individuals participating must wear face masks before and after the physical activity. Coaches/trainers/instructors must wear face masks at all times.
  • PSIs (Post Secondary Institutions) can host varsity level competition and practices (e.g.,  semi-professional sport) and are encouraged to ensure that their proof of vaccination policies are aligned with each other when competing.

For further details about adult physical activity please refer to Part 11 of the CMOH Order 44-2021.

What does this mean? It means our Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Hockey and Acronaires Teams can resume practice and play. 

When? As soon as the Athletic Director and Coaches can schedule gym time.

Who? Any member of the specific team who is following Burman Universities eligibility to be on campus program - Vaccinated, Negative test results or medical exemption.

What is not eligible? Open gym times, indoor intramurals, non-varsity or non-curricular activities where physical distancing is not able to be maintained.

Athletes, further communications of practice and game times will come from the Athletic department.



This is is a reminder that by tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 23, the following information is requested to be submitted to the following offices:



  1. Proof of vaccination, or
  2. A negative rapid test taken within the last 72 hours, or
  3. A medical exemption


  1. Students living in a Burman campus residence hall (Lakeview Hall, Maple Hall, or Riverton apartments) will share this information with their respective Dean on duty during this time, or electronically to
  2.  Non-Dormitory Students will submit their information to the Student Services Office or electronically to
  3. Staff will submit their information to the HR Office or electronically to
  4. Faculty will submit their information to the VP Academic Administration or electronically to

Please note that we are aware that rapid tests are not readily available in some local pharmacies. Therefore, please notify appropriate office that you have attempted to obtain a test, noting the pharmacy and date/time of your attempt.

September 20, 2021

In response to the new regulations and to ensure that Burman University can continue to offer in-person instruction in a safe environment for our students, faculty and staff, Burman will be implementing the Government of Alberta’s Restriction Exemption Program.

Alberta Health has released further information that specifically applies to post-secondary institutions in Alberta. These regulations go into effect Immediately (September 19, 2021). The complete order can be found here.

The government announced the new restrictions last week that outlined two options - either an extremely limited life on campus or the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP). The first choice, or the limited options, included having to cancel most activities in the gym, social activities, cafeteria, strict limitations to dormitory and student lounge use along with a requirement to be in 2-3-person cohorts. The decision to implement the REP was determined to be the best way forward for Burman to continue to offer an in-person experience on campus and the freedom for life to continue as close to normal as possible. While the REP does require proof of vaccinations, the program also provides choices for those who are not vaccinated in that it allows for medical exemptions or proof of a negative rapid test result for campus involvement.

Burman will cover the cost for the 72-hr. rapid tests for those who choose them. During the Fall Term Burman will reimburse the cost of the rapid testing for those students, faculty and staff through the end of first semester. 


Below is a short summary of the newly announced government regulations as they relate to

The Vedge - Burman’s Cafeteria

Cafeterias located on the premises of the eligible post secondary educational institution are permitted to provide indoor food and beverage service.


Where an eligible post-secondary educational institution has complied, the students, faculty and staff of that eligible post-secondary educational institution are exempt from maintaining two metres physical distance from all other persons while in a learning environment, including but not limited to:

  • classrooms,
  • lecture halls,
  • research facilities and
  • laboratories.

For clarity students, faculty and staff are not exempt from the physical distance requirements when in

  • study halls,
  • on-campus libraries,
  • common areas or
  • similar areas on campus

All individuals on campus will still need to comply with

  • masking in all indoor spaces
  • any conditions in the most relevant guidelines which may be amended from time
  • any public health guidelines, conditions or requirements that may be provided from time to time in writing by Alberta Health or Alberta Health Services.

 Once again, thank you for your understanding as Burman University, along with all other Albertans, tries to navigate through this public health emergency together.



September 17, 2021 - 1:30 pm

In response to the new regulations and to ensure that Burman University can continue to offer in-person instruction in a safe environment for our students, faculty and staff, Burman will be implementing the Government of Alberta’s Restriction Exemption Program.

Effective Monday, September 20, 2021, prior to coming onto campus, Burman University staff, faculty and students are required under the Restricted Exemption Program to either: 

  • provide proof of vaccination
    • single dose accepted between September 20 and October 25 if received 2 weeks before time of service.
  • provide documentation of a medical exemption, or 
  • provide proof of a privately-paid negative PCR or rapid test that has been completed within 72 hours of each daily attendance on campus. 

Please note than masking and physical distancing is still required on campus.

A special committee has been tasked to provide further details on how this will be operationalized on campus. Please continue to watch your emails for further instructions as the new processes and procedures are being developed and rolled out in response. All Burman University employees and students will receive an email with further instructions and timelines on how to respond to these new regulations.



September 15, 2021

Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency ass COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to rise. Measures to protect the health care system, stop the spread, and increase vaccination rates come into effect starting September 16.

The full health action can be found here.

Many of these  measures will go into effect September 16, 2021.

Mandatory work-from-home measures will be put in place unless the employer has determined a physical presence is required for operational effectiveness.

Burman has determined that a physical presence is required for all faculty and staff to maintain operational effectiveness of the university. Employees must continue masking in all indoor settings, except while alone in personal work areas.

Please be aware that further protocols may be announced as new government regulations are released.

Getting vaccinated makes us all safer and will contribute to the safety of campus and will help maintain our in-person delivery for this term. If you need support in getting vaccinated please contact our Student Services office.

Enhanced cleaning will continue to be delivered in high traffic areas of campus. Please continue to do your part by washing and sanitizing your hands, wearing your mask and maintaining social distancing.

Thank you to our students, faculty and staff for each contributing to the safety of our campus. Thank you for your support, patience and resilience during these difficult times.



September 3, 2021

Alberta Health Services has implemented temporary measures in order to reduce the impacts of COVID-19 on the health care system. The full health action can be found here.

These measures will go into effect September 4, 2021 at 8:00 am.


  • Masks are mandatory in all indoor public spaces and workplaces.
  • Masks are to be worn in all indoor settings except work stations.


August 20, 2021

New COVID-19 Protocols

With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases on the rise and the signaling of the 4th wave by Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, we have adjusted and updated certain campus protocols to keep the health and safety of the campus at the forefront.

Daily Assessment

  • We will return to daily assessment. Assessment will be conducted on the Burman Alert App ( You may be asked to present your attestation badge before entry to offices or classes.

COVDI-19 Related Symptoms

  • Off-campus students, faculty and staff are asked to please stay home if you are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms.
  • Dorm residents, if you are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms, please self-isolate and contact your dean.


  • Masking will be required in all classes and labs with exception for high intensity sport activity.
  • Masking is recommended for all common areas but not required
  • Faculty & Staff may require masking in personal offices and spaces.

Faculty & Staff Meetings

  • Faculty & Staff meetings will remain virtual for the time being.


  • High touch surfaces will be sanitized twice daily with a deep clean each day.
  • Hand sanitizers will continue to be available in all buildings with additional hand sanitizers installed in each classroom along with sanitizing wipes to clean surfaces before use.

Residence Halls

  • Our campus residence halls are committed to encouraging responsible citizenship among residents, ensuring health and safety for all students, and applying isolation protocols, when needed.


June 9, 2021

Update: Fall 2021 – Return to In-Person and On-Campus Learning

Burman University is planning on a return to campus and in-person learning for the Fall 2021 term. The Government of Alberta is encouraging post-secondary institutions to return to on-campus learning for this fall and Burman University is continuing preparations to do so. All Alberta Health services protocols will be followed as we keep the safety of our students, faculty and staff a priority.



April 14, 2021

COVID-19 Update - Confirmed Case Report

Confirmed Case of COVID 19 reported. Please take the necessary precautions to limit the Coronavirus spread in our community

One member of our Burman campus community has tested positive for COVID-19. The Primary location affected is PAA.


Continue washing your hands regularly and thoroughly throughout the day and sanitize them often.

Clean common touch surfaces in the areas around you and avoid touching those surfaces when possible.

Wear a mask in all common areas of the buildings on campus and when you cannot maintain the 2 metre social distancing, and avoid unnecessary close contact with individuals around you.

Take the AHS assessment every morning before coming to work and if you are symptomatic, please stay home and contact your Supervisor immediately.




February 13, 2021

COVID-19 Update - Lakeview Hall

On February 13, 2021 the University was informed of a positive COVID-19 case of a resident in our Lakeview Hall dormitory. The impacted individual along with two other residents in their cohort group is quarantining according to AHS guidelines. A deep sanitization of all areas affected has been implemented. Anyone identified as a close contact of the confirmed COVID-19 case will be contacted.    

Please continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Continue washing your hands regularly and thoroughly throughout the day and sanitize them often. Clean common touch surfaces in the areas around you and avoid touching those surfaces when possible. Wear a mask in all common areas of the buildings on campus and when you cannot maintain the 2-metre social distancing, and avoid unnecessary close contact with individuals around you. Take the AHS assessment every morning before coming to work and if you are symptomatic, please stay home and contact your Supervisor immediately.  



February 8, 2021

COVID-19 Update - CHSDA Church

Confirmed Cases of COVID 19 reported at College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church. Please take the necessary precautions to limit the Coronavirus spread in our community

The CHSDA Church was informed of a total of 5 positive cases of COVID-19 in our community. A deep sanitization of all areas affected in the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church has been implemented. 

In an abundance of caution, the CHSDA Church Covid Safety Committee has voted that CAYA, Sabbath Church Services and Sabbath Schools will be closed to in-person attendance until further notice. The livestream of the services can be found at and (CAYA).

The CHSDA Church will be contacting the individuals who are scheduled to use the church and will communicate the church usage plan moving forward.

For more information please contact the church office at or Pastor Jordane at



February 3, 2021

COVID-19 Update

On February 3, 2021 the University was informed of a positive case of COVID-19 in our campus community. The impacted individual is quarantining according to AHS guidelines. A deep sanitization of all areas affected in the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church has been implemented. Anyone identified as a close contact of the confirmed COVID-19 case will be contacted.

Please continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Continue washing your hands regularly and thoroughly throughout the day and sanitize them often. Clean common touch surfaces in the areas around you and avoid touching those surfaces when possible. Wear a mask in all common areas of the buildings on campus and when you cannot maintain the 2-metre social distancing, and avoid unnecessary close contact with individuals around you. Take the AHS assessment every morning before coming to work and if you are symptomatic, please stay home and contact your Supervisor immediately.



January 5, 2021

COVID-19 Update - For Students Arriving From Outside Canada

The government of Canada has announced new guidelines for anyone entering Canada.

COVID-19 testing required for people flying into Canada Starting 11:59 pm (EST) January 6, 2021, air travellers 5 years of age or older will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 molecular test result to the airline prior to boarding international flights bound for Canada.

See the news release for air travellers.

If this will impact you in any way please contact our Student Services office.


phone: 800.661.8129




December 10, 2020 | 2:00 pm

COVID-19 Update, December 10

Dear Campus Family,

As noted in my previous email we have been waiting on further direction from the Minister of Advanced Education in relation to post-secondary institutions in Alberta. Based on those recommendations and the guidelines set by the Alberta Government’s December 8 press conference, please take note of the updated protocols for our campus.


PE Centre – CLOSED
Effective December 13, 2020, our PE Centre will be closed. This will also affect other wellness services in the PE Centre like massage therapy.


Work From Home – EXTENDED to January 12, 2021
The government has mandated that employees need to work from home unless the employer requires a physical presence for operational effectiveness. Offices will remain in a work-from-home mode until January 12, 2021. Exceptions will be made for personnel that require a physical presence for operational effectiveness. Staff, please communicate with your supervisors to plan for the work-from-home extension. Faculty please work with the office of Academic Administration if you physically need to be on campus.


Masking – Mandatory In All Indoor Public Spaces
We have already adopted a campus-wide masking policy (This does not include personal office spaces). Please continue to be vigilant in your mask wearing. Please remember to wear a mask when representing Burman in our community on university business. If you are in need of disposable masks please contact Ron Reimche at 403.786.2560.


Assessment Centre – Closed on December 11, 2020
The Assessment Centre will be closing at the end of this week. All campus buildings will operate with locked entrances. If you must come to campus please complete complete your assessment online before you arrive. The link can be found here,

Please do not come to campus if you have symptoms of COVID-19. If you are sick and your work requires you to be on campus, please contact your supervisor so they can make plans accordingly.

Please do not bring guests onto campus at this time. If there are people that you must bring on campus (i.e. Contractors or delivery Personnel) you will be responsible to ensure they complete the assessment as well as providing the information necessary for contact tracing purposes.

You are responsible to ensure they have completed a Self assessment . You will also be required to fill out a form for them on the contract tracing email to ensure we have information we need for contact tracing purposes.


Travel - Institutional
The Alberta government is discouraging out of area travel during this time. Please try to find alternatives when travelling for the institution. If you need to travel outside of the Central Alberta region, a request must be made to the Risk Management committee.


Travel - Students
The Minister of Advanced Education has advised that students returning to their primary residences outside of Alberta should consult the rules and regulation concerning COVID-19 in that area before travelling to their home jurisdiction


As we head into our Christmas season I thank you again for being so vigilant in the health and safety of our campus. Thank you for being patient with us and our COVID-19 response teams (Cabinet, Risk Management committee, & Health & Safety committee) as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of this pandemic. I hope you can find time in the next few weeks to enjoy this season and the reminder of what God has done for us.

Merry Christmas and be safe!


Dr. Loren Agrey


November 25, 2020 | 12:20 pm

Burman's Response to Alberta's State of Public Health Emergency

Dear Campus Family,

Yesterday the Premier declared a state of public health emergency. New mandatory measures to stop the spike in COVID-19 cases are in effect. The link to these new measures can be found here <>.

I would like to commend everyone who are doing their part to keep our campus safe this semester. We have been attentive in ensuring the safety of our faculty, staff and students. Let us continue to be vigilant as we work through the next few weeks with these new mandatory measures.

We will evaluate our campus protocol by December 18, 2020. New communication will be sent out as we evaluate and determine what areas of campus will be affected.

Effective Immediately  - Areas Affected by New Measures

  • In-Person Social gatherings – cancelled
  • All In-Person classes/events - Cancelled or moving on-line
    • Acros, Choir, Orchestra, Swimming,Ubuntu,Unspoken Testimony, etc.
  • Cafeteria – Take out only
  • Casey’s Cabin – Closed
  • PE Centre
    • Gym - Closed
    • Gwen Bader Fitness Centre - 25% capacity.
    • Cohorts – Cancelled
    • Upper Study area – Closed
    • Pool - Open for lane swim but no group or general swim allowed
  • Printing Services - available in Admin building basement and Student Services
  • Residence Halls
    • Lobbies – Closed
    • Men & Women’s Mezzanine – Individual Study Space Only
  • Study Areas – Closed (A205, OP and gym upper lobby)

Spiritual programming remains unchanged until further notice. Transportation services (shuttle, local trips) also remain unchanged.

Thank you again for being a part of our campus health and safety.

God Bless and stay safe.

Dr. Loren Agrey


October 15, 2020 | 3:30 pm

Burman University to Continue Online Delivery for Winter 2021

The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff continue to be our highest priority. While it is our desire to have all our students return to campus this winter, our decisions are impacted by the guidelines set by our government, health officials, the difficulty faced by our international students, as well as the continued rise of COVID-19 cases locally and across Canada. Therefore, Burman University will extend this fall’s online delivery of academic programs into the winter term beginning January 2021 through the end of April 2021.

This decision may be disappointing for some of us. While the majority of the feedback received from the three concurrent Town Hall meetings (Students, Faculty and Staff) favored online learning in the winter semester, we also want to acknowledge those who were hoping to return to face-to-face instruction. We understand the challenges of learning and building relationships virtually. We remain committed to connecting with you through various online events and programming. We are excited by the amount of interaction with our students throughout this fall semester through our online delivery of social and spiritual programming–thank you for continuing to be a part of our online community.

We are also still committed to offering in-person social and spiritual programming for those who are on-campus or in the local area. If you are wanting to return to campus, please ensure that you have contacted our Residence staff as campus housing is limited due to government Covid-19 protocols. International students are required to contact our Student Services office to ensure that a proper entry and quarantine plan is in place.

I would like to encourage our students to make use of all our online resources. Please reach out to our Sakala Success Centre for academic and mental health support. This is crucial for any student that finds the online environment challenging. Thank you for completing our feedback surveys on the fall semester. Please don’t hesitate to speak to your professors and our office of Academic Administration for any support you may need.

This fall semester has been challenging but we are grateful for our student’s resiliency throughout this pandemic. We continue to pray for the health and safety of our community at this time and we are hopeful that we can welcome our entire student body back to campus for Fall 2021.

God bless and stay safe!

Loren Agrey
President, Burman University


August 6, 2020 | 11:30 am

For Students Arriving on Campus from outside of Canada (Non COVID-19 Related Isolation)

Burman University will provide supports for international students during isolation/quarantine and throughout their stay, including:

  • welcoming international students;
  • transportation to a suitable residence upon arrival;
  • material supports for isolating/quarantining;
  • establishing systems for monitoring student health and enforcing isolation/quarantine requirements;
  • wrap-around supports; and
  • providing ongoing monitoring of the students’ health and safety once isolation/quarantine is complete.
Note: Burman University will offer these services to ALL incoming international students regardless of their final place of residence, on or off campus*. The Government of Alberta requires all students coming from outside Canada to have a isolation/quarantine plan. Only those students who can provide an alternative isolation/quarantine plan will be exempt from these supports offered by Burman University. 

*room and food fees apply


>> Click here to read the full support system for students arriving from outside Canada.


June 24, 2020 | 2:30 pm

Return to Campus Information - Message from the President

Dear Students,

Our Fall semester is just a few weeks away. As you have heard by now, Burman is planning on a flexible, hybrid system for our Fall semester. All courses for our Fall 2020 term will be delivered online and students can choose to take online classes remotely, or to take their online classes while being on campus. Many of you right now are deciding on what you will do for the Fall semester. What does the Fall semester look like for me if I stay home or if I return to campus?

Our goal is to ensure that the Burman experience is felt by those who study remotely and by those who return to campus. We are committed to providing social and spiritual opportunities for both on and off campus students. Our programming teams are working to ensure that our events and other co-curricular programs are available online. We are also committed to providing our returning students a safe environment on campus to experience the social and spiritual aspect of the Burman community. As new protocols are handed out by health and government officials, we will respond accordingly and continue to ensure that our campus remains safe for those who return in-person. We all have our parts to play in ensuring the safety of our campus and I am confident that we all will be responsible campus citizens ensuring a successful Fall semester.

On-Campus Plan

Cleaning & Sanitizing
Custodial Services has been working tirelessly this summer sanitizing the campus in anticipation of our Fall semester. New equipment has been purchased that will be used to sterilize common used spaces. Sanitizer will be available throughout the campus and appropriate signage will be in place for physical distancing. Cleaning plans for campus spaces have been created and regular cleaning and sanitizing will be implemented.

Employee Training
Faculty and staff are currently undergoing safety training in COVID-19 prevention protocols. 

Physical Distancing
Physical distancing (2 metres) will be required in all areas. Any group activities will be held in spaces that will allow for physical distancing. This will apply to social and spiritual programming (Vespers, Power Up, etc…).

Quarantine & Self-isolation Plans
Plans for quarantine and self-isolation have been prepared in the event someone is exposed to COVID-19. Areas have been designated for isolation. Meals, laundry and other services will be provided to those who may need to isolate.

Campus Safety – Student’s Responsibility
All Burman students have a responsibility to help prevent the spread. Take steps to protect yourself and others:

  • practice physical distancing and wear a mask in public
  • practice good hygiene: wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching face
  • monitor for symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat
  • self-isolate for the legally-required 10 days if you have any symptoms that are not related to a pre-existing illness or medical condition
  • take the COVID-19 self-assessment to access testing

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have had close contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 please call 811 and then the Burman University Student Services office 403.782.3381 ext.4033 or email Residence hall students should also contact their residence dean. Please self-quarantine until cleared.

Returning students arriving from outside of Canada must self-isolate and follow the protocols given by Government of Canada ( Residence Hall International students will be provided a room for self-isolation. Dining and laundry will be provided for. Students arriving from outside of Canada not residing in the dorm must contact Student Services for either on-campus accommodations during the 14-day isolation period or for providing a detailed and verifiable comprehensive plan of self-isolation for this 14-day period.

Residence Hall Life
While Residence Hall Life will look different due to COVID-19 protocols, we are still committed to providing the best possible experience in our dorms.

Common Spaces
Physical distancing protocols will be implemented in our Residence Hall’s. The common areas will be rearranged to allow for physical distancing. Other common use areas, like the laundry room, will have access limited to allow for physical distancing.

Cleaning & Sanitizing
All Residence buildings, rooms, and hallways have undergone stringent sanitization in compliance with AHS standards.

Residence Hall Access
To ensure the safety of our residents, the Residence Halls will be open only to residents of each building. Room assignments will be handed out to ensure appropriate spacing between residents.

Quarantine & Self-isolation Plans
Plans have been developed in an event a resident is exposed or contracts COVID-19. Certain areas will be reserved for self-isolation or quarantine if needed.

Travel Advisory
In order to mitigate the movement of the COVID-19 virus, it is strongly encouraged that students not travel outside of Central Alberta during the semester. Central Alberta has been blessed with low COVID-19 numbers and limiting travel outside of the region will continue to keep our numbers low.

Dorm Opening
Residence Halls will be open on August 21, 2020 at noon local time.

Campus Dining
Vege, our campus dining facility is committed to serve you, the students in the safest way possible! All cafeteria employees will wear appropriate PPE to ensure food safety.

Service Options
Vege employees will serve students in lieu of the buffet line and quality self-serve options will also be available.

Cafeteria Seating
Seating in the cafeteria will reflect physical distancing. Group seating will be limited to eight individuals.

Tuition, Fees & Scholarships
Tuition Rate Reduced to Previous Year’s Rate
Burman has made the decision to not implement the planned 2% salary increase for faculty and staff scheduled for September 2020. This decision not to implement the faculty and staff increase has allowed us to reduce the 2020-2021 tuition rate to the 2019-2020 rate.

Although an organization set up to provide online education may be able to provide it at a significantly reduced cost because of differences in infrastructure requirements, Burman is set up for providing face-to-face instruction and has the infrastructure in place to provide that.  In addition to maintaining that infrastructure we now have added costs of training and software for providing courses online. Burman does not save money by moving our classes online.

General Fees
Currently we are studying our General Fees and looking at areas that can be reduced. More information will be sent out once those decisions are finalized.

Residence Hall Room Charges
For those living in Residence, single room occupancy will be charged the double occupancy rate.

Scholarship Renewal
Renewal of scholarships will not be affected by the lack of opportunities that COVID-19 presents. Please speak with our Student Finance staff so they can advise you on your scholarships and renewal.

Co-Curricular Campus Life – On Campus and Online
We are committed to providing social and spiritual opportunities for those studying remotely and for those returning to campus.

Spiritual Programming
Spiritual programming (Vespers, Power Up, Church Service, etc…) will be happening in person with physical distancing protocols in place. These programs will also be provided online in order to meet the needs of both our students on and off campus.

Burman Athletics will not participate in league play for the Fall of 2020. We will follow government guidelines for reopening our athletic programs. The decision for the Winter semester league play has not yet been determined. Options are available for other activities like the Acronaires who are eligible to be a cohort group. Intramural play is being studied as to what can be offered under the direction of government protocols.

The protocols for group activities are ever changing as health and government officials continue to determine new practices. Burman will continue to explore what is allowed on campus based on the new standards that government officials allow.

Academic Campus Life – On Campus and Online
Synchronous or Asynchronous
Will classes be synchronous or asynchronous? It's difficult to provide a one-size-fits-all answer! Your professors are experts in their fields. They may choose to engage you, the students, synchronously or asynchronously depending on the course content or material that needs to be taught. Please contact your department for details on how their classes will be offered.

As part of Burman University’s flexible, hybrid approach to the Fall 2020 term, there may be a choice of in-person lab and practical experiences for those who choose to be on campus. Virtual lab options will also be available to students. Charges to students for these labs reflect the costs from the publishers. Moreover, your lab instructors still spend time instructing and assessing these labs.

Assessment is a vital part of any course. Your professors are familiar with multiple methods of assessing student learning in a remote learning environment that not only safeguard the integrity of the exams but also reduce anxiety of students.

COVID-19 has immensely changed the way we live our lives and it will change the way that we go forward as a University. What it will not change is our commitment to Christian education and your journey through university. Our goal is to have our Burman community back together, in-person or remotely, to continue our educational journey together.

We are excited to get started for our Fall semester. I know there will still be many questions left unanswered. We are working diligently to ensure you have all the information you need to make your decision for the fall. At this time no determination has been made for the winter semester.

If you have any more inquiries we will be planning a ZOOM Q&A where we can dialogue further. Details for this ZOOM Q&A will be emailed to you, students, in the near future. You can also visit the COVID-19 section on our website and go through our FAQ.

Once again, we are excited to resume our semester this fall and we hope to see you soon.

God bless and be safe!


Dr. Loren Agrey

President, Burman University



Update June 10, 2020 | 1:30pm

Burman University to Offer Hybrid System for Fall 2020

The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff are our highest priority. While it is our desire to have all our students return on campus, our decisions are impacted by the guidelines set by our government and health officials. Therefore, Burman University has chosen to adopt a flexible, hybrid approach to the Fall 2020 term. All courses for our Fall 2020 term will be delivered online and students can choose to take online classes remotely, or choose to take their online classes while being on campus. Social distancing protocols will be in place.

To read the full statement visit our website:…/burman-university-offer-hybrid-sys…




Update April 24, 2020 | 7:00 PM

Online Graduation | June 21, 2020

This weekend was when our 2020 graduation was scheduled to take place. We are disappointed that we are not able to celebrate our graduates face-to-face but we do feel that it is important to celebrate this great achievement.

Please mark June 21, 2020 in your calendar as the new online Spring 2020 convocation date. While this experience will be different than if we all meet face-to-face, we look forward to celebrating our graduates online with our Burman community.

We look forward to welcoming our 2020 graduates back to the Burman University campus for a face-to-face ceremony during our 2021 spring convocation.

Please visit our Burman University graduation webpage. More details will be posted as they become available.

Congratulations to the Burman University class of 2020. We look forward to celebrating your success this June.

Please watch a video message just for you from the Burman University Campus.



Update April 20, 2020 | 2:18 PM

Alumni Homecoming Postponed

With the current COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in place, the Alumni Homecoming 2020 will be postponed until June 4-6, 2021. Burman will host a 'double-honour year event' with more details being developed. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Southcott or Shannon Bechtold.



Update April 1, 2020 | 10:50 AM

Residence & Cafeteria Charges

Residence Halls - The amount you will be charged will be based on when you left and checked out of the dorm. The calculated refund is based on the check-out sheets. Students leaving the dorm must sign out appropriately and fill out paperwork at Lakeview Hall. If a student has left the dorm without signing out they must email Dean Jeremy at

The Vedge Cafeteria - Charges for second semester will be based only on usage.



Update March 30, 2020 | 12:45 PM 

Burman University keenly understands that the abrupt transition from face-to-face to online environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic presents physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual challenges to students and faculty. We have listened to student and faculty concerns. We understand that flexibility is an important principle. Burman wishes, to the best of our ability, to ensure our students and faculty overall health, safety, and mental well-being.  In the light of current circumstances, the following actions are being put into place:

Administrative Adjustments

Extended Exam Schedule
Classes will still end on April 9, 2020. The rest of the academic schedule is extended. Students now have more reading days for completion of assignments, term papers, projects, etc. A new extended exam schedule has been set(April 20, 2020 - May 7, 2020). Thereafter, faculty will have the remaining time to complete all assessments; Final grades due from faculty is now May 15, 2020. 

Due Dates
Adjustment of due dates for papers, exams, etc. in the light of the new due date for grades. Submission deadlines should be made as flexible as possible.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading
Suspension of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading restrictions. [Page 23, Academic Calendar.]  Students have the option to apply for S/U in any course by May 22, 2020. Application can be found here.

Transcript Notation
Notation to be made on transcript that S/U Grade for this term is due to COVID-19 pandemic. 

Online Delivery
D2L, Zoom and Google hangout Meet are the preferred platforms.

When faculty use synchronous methods of delivery they should also record their lectures as well. 

Reminders to Students

  • Please do not hesitate to contact your professors.

  • Remember that Library is still “open” and ready to assist with research needs.  Various additional on-line resources are now available. The Librarian is available to answer your question. Her number 403-596-4062;

  • The Writing Centre are available for remote assistance. Please be academically responsible and ethical in the completion of your course requirements.  

  • Do not hesitate to contact the Sakala Success Centre for support and or help.

  • Please contact deans, chaplains, and/or pastoral staff as needed.


To All Students: Please take care of yourself as you are able—physically, mentally, spiritually, and academically.  Never be afraid to reach out for assistance.  We are all in this together and     Burman faculty while trying to make adjustments for ourselves wish to assure you that we are dedicated to doing what we can to assure you that your academic path is clear in these uncertain times.  God Bless. 



Update March 23, 2020 | 2:36pm

Essential Services Update and Online Learning

Today we return from reading break and resume classes online. Faculty have worked hard to deliver classes online but nevertheless there may be some bumps along the way as we work through technology and other challenges. Thank you for your flexibility and willingness to adapt to an online environment.

If you have any problems with the new online delivery of classes, please let your professor know. Your Department Chair, Faculty Dean and the IT Department ( are also there to help you resolve any problems that may arise.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or need health and wellness support please contact our Sakala Success Centre ( An email from the Sakala Success Centre has been sent to your emails with more information about their services.



Update March 18, 2020 | 4:25pm

Available Student Services

The campus will continue to operate for students that require essential services.

Essential departments/services will run from 10:00am to 2:00pm Monday - Thursday and 9:00 to 11:30am Friday. The following departments available to students are as follows:

  • Accounting

  • IT Services

  • Registrar Services

  • Student Financial Services

  • Student Services

The following departments are essential services but will follow independent hours of operation. Please contact with the department for specifics.

  • Cafeteria

  • Custodial

  • Facility Maintenance

  • Residence halls for approved occupants

  • Security

Link for Campus Directory



Update March 17, 2020 | 2:48 pm

Burman PE Centre Closed

The government of Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency, empowering authorities under the Public Health Act to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Effective today:

  • all events over 50 people to be cancelled

  • no attendance at rec centres, casinos, bingo halls, bars, theatres and other facilities

  • sit-down restaurants can remain open at lower capacity

With these new regulation in mind, effective immediately, the PE Centre is closed until further notice.

>> Click here for the full release from the government of Alberta.

> Government of Alberta Coronavirus Information



Update March 16, 2020 | 4:37 pm

Graduation Postponed Until Further Notice

Due to new Alberta Health Services regulations, Graduation has now been postponed until further notice. This has been a very difficult decision to make but unfortunately, due to the government of Alberta’s guidelines of large gatherings, combined with the closing of the Canadian border, and the self-isolation guidelines for travelers returning from out of the country, this decision has been taken out of our hands. When the opportunity arises to hold graduation, we will provide at least two months notice of the new date.   

> Government of Alberta Coronavirus Information



Update March 13, 2020 | 4:54 pm

Graduation Suspended

Due to the measures implemented by the government of Alberta to prevent the spread of COVID-19 related to large gatherings, and self-isolation for travellers returning from outside Canada, Burman University is suspending graduation until further notice. We will monitor the measures implemented by the government of Alberta and make a decision on April 10, 2020 on the viability of hosting graduation currently scheduled for April 24-26, 2020. It is our hope that we are able to host graduation and are able to celebrate the achievements of our students with their friends and families.

> Government of Alberta Coronavirus Information



Update March 12, 2020 | 5:01pm

Online Learning

All Burman University courses will move from face-to-face to online delivery beginning Monday, March 23, and for the remainder of the winter semester.

  • All Burman University courses will move from face-to-face to online delivery beginning Monday, March 23, and for the remainder of the winter semester. We will send updates on how distance coursework will be delivered. If you have any specific questions about your program please contact your program chair.

  • Students are encouraged, where possible, to return to their place of permanent residence. Students in university residence will need to leave their dorm residence by the end of Reading Break, March 22, 2020, unless they receive prior permission from the Residence Deans. Permission for staying in Residence Halls will be offered to international students and to students who are unable to return to their permanent residence. Please contact your dean for further details.

  • Parkview Adventist Academy – Information concerning PAA will be sent out by PAA administration on Friday, March 12, 2020.



Update March 12, 2020 | 2:22pm

Effective immediately, all university sponsored travel (staff, faculty, and students) outside of Alberta is suspended or cancelled until further notice. 

Effective immediately the following trips have been cancelled.

  • Academic VP Trip to a conference in Florida

  • Choir Tour to BC

  • Youth Rally Trip to Vancouver

  • Maryland Recruitment Trip

  • Basketball team out of province travel


If you have questions about a trip not listed above, please contact your supervisor (i.e. director, chair, dean, or VP).

Staff, faculty and students already travelling on University business are asked to follow Alberta Health Services protocol for returning travellers.


For students who are travelling for reading break we are advising that you take any books or course materials with you. At this time the campus is not closing, but we are preparing for all possibilities. Discussions have taken place on campus and further discussions will be happening with our sister institutions in Alberta as well as the government of Alberta as we plan for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please observe the AHS guidelines for travel.

> AHS Info for Returning Travellers

At this time, on-campus events have not been cancelled.



Update – March 6, 2020

  • At this time no official university travel has been cancelled.

  • At this time, the Public Health Agency of Canada has assessed the public health risk associated with the virus as “low for Canada”.

  • Please read and follow the guidelines for the preventions of COVID-19 as presented by Alberta Health Services. Link is provided below.

  • If you were in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, regardless of which country you were in, Alberta Health Services recommends that you self-isolate and limit your contact with others for 14 days and call Health Link 811 for additional advice.



COVID-19 is believed to be spread mainly by coughing, sneezing or direct contact with someone who is sick with COVID-19 or with surfaces they have recently touched.


To help protect you and your family against all respiratory illnesses, including flu and COVID-19, you should:

  • Wash your hands often and well

  • Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched

  • Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill

  • When sick, cover your cough and sneezes and then wash your hands



For the latest information on Coronavirus please visit the resources listed below.

June 9, 2021 Update: Fall 2021 – Return to In-Person and On-Campus Learning Burman University is planning on a return to campus and in-person learning for the Fall 2021 term. The Government of Alberta is encouraging post-secondary institutions to return to on-campus learning for this fall and Burman University is continuing preparations to do so. All Alberta Health services protocols will be followed as we keep the safety of our students, faculty and staff a priority.
