PE Centre
Gymnastic Classes
Jr. Acronaires | Winter 2025
All levels include fitness, balance, tumbling, mini-tramp, double mini-tramp, trampoline, and rod floor skills. Our goal is for participants to have fun as they learn acrobatic skills and increase their physical fitness. Ages: 5-14 years old.
Monday/Wednesday Session: Jan 13 - Apr 2 (no class Feb 17, Mar 24 & 26) or
Tuesday/Thursday Session: Jan 14 - Apr 3 (no class: Feb 18 Mar 25 & 27)
Pink | 4:00-5:00 PM (In this level your child will begin to learn the fundamentals of acrobatic movement. This includes the basic positions, different balancing postures, beginning rolls, simple jumps, and some fitness skills. An emphasis is placed on including games in the lesson. This level is ideal for your child’s very first gymnastics introduction.)
Red | 4:00-5:00 PM (Level Red builds on skills learned in level Pink. At this level they are building their body awareness through the introduction of skills that teach your child to have a tight body and to control body rotation. Your child will begin to learn and master skills such as: climbing the rope, rolls on the floor, headstands, falling safely, and belly/back drops on the trampoline.)
Orange | 4:00-5:00 PM (Level Orange consists of skills that prepare your child to learn intermediate body rotations in the next level. The skills that are learned include dive rolls, cartwheels, handstand drills, bridges, and swivel hips. This level is fantastic for kids that are starting to get the hang of keeping their body tight and have mastered many rolling and balancing variations.)
Yellow | 5:15-6:45 PM (In level Yellow your child learns different twists and rotations such as the front tuck, back handspring, front handspring, round-offs, and monkey rolls. A high focus is on being able to balance and hold the correct body position for handstands. Your child will continue to develop proprioception and self-awareness.)
Green | 5:15-6:45 PM (Green is considered an advanced level. Your child will build on their skills, learning more variations and challenges. Backflips and double-balancing moves are introduced. This level is ideal for furthering your child’s gymnastic ability.)
Blue | 5:15-6:45 PM (In this level, your child is taught multiple skills that are linked together to create sequences. More advanced double moves are also taught and many trampoline skills are moved to the floor. Blue is currently our most advanced level taught.)
Parent & Tot Gymnastics
This program will teach children literacy skills in a fun safe environment. You will play with your child and help guide them through circuits and play under the leadership of a certified coach. Ages 2-4 y.o.
Mons/Weds | Jan 13 - Apr 2 (no class: Feb 3, 5, 10, 17, Mar 24&26) | 10:00-10:45 AM

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